Expanded Self Awareness for an INSPIRED Life are available presentations, classes, and workshops. Presentations are offered for professional and non-professional groups and are intended to give introductions to the basic princilpes. In classes and workshops you will learn the principles involved in living an inspired life. Along with clear and concise information, ample opportunity is given to practice what you learn and to come away with useful skills.
Examples of classes are:
Examples of classes are:
Intuition: Recognize It! Trust It!
~Are you intuitive?
~Do you trust and use intuition to be more decisive, creative, imaginative, dynamic?
~How could your life change if you learn to recognize, receive, and use intuitive information?
Everyone is intuitive, but most of us don’t trust the information we get. This class will teach you what intuition is, where it comes from, how to recognize intuitive information, how to trust it, and what to do with it.
The Bioenergy Field: Know It, Feel It, Use It!
~What is bioenergy?
~How could your life be richer, more exciting and interesting if you could feel and use energy?
~Did you know that anything you feel in your body, physically and emotionally, is registered in the bioenergy field first and that this determines your health and well being?
We are bioenergetic beings. This class will will be taught as part of a workshop where you will learn the history, science and function of the bioenergy field. You will be taught skills to help you become aware of your field and exercises to regulate it.
The Mind-: Emotions, Body, and Soul
~Are you curious about your mind, what it is, what it can do and how to use it better?
~How would your life be better if you could get information from the deepest part of your mind? If you could resolve blocked emotions?
~Do you feel you have a purpose in life but have not fulfilled it?
~Would you like to know how intuition, the bio-field, and the mind-field can expand your consciousness so that you can live a healthier, more creative, to your fullest potential?
The mind field holds all the information you need to live at your highest capacity. This class is taught as part of a workshop where you will learn what the mind is, how it is related to bioenergy and to emotions. You will learn how to listen to information from the mind field and the greater insight that it can give you about yourself, your behaviors and the choices that you have made.
The workshop is a 2 or 2 1/2 day weekend intensive which teaches the essential information of the classes.
Presentations are available on individual topics for professional and non professional groups.